Starting the Application Process for Internship Credit

Student with laptop outside at Confluence Park in Denver

The C2Hub is here to support you throughout the internship process. Many students also have the option to receive academic credit for their internship experience We’ve created a step by step guide, with accompanying videos, to guide you through the  Internship for Academic Credit Application process.

Overview of the Internship for Academic Credit Approval Process

  • Student completes Guidelines and Agreements Page in CareerLink
  • Student Clicks ‘Add New Internship’ in CareerLink to begin their Internship Application for Academic Credit
  • Student enters in all of the required internship details into the application and submits the completed application.
  • The application is reviewed for approval by the C2Hub, the Internship Supervisor, and Faculty
  • Approved Applications are sent to the department to lift the hold for the student to register for the internship course.
    • Rejected applications do not move forward but students can resubmit them in CareerLink with adjustments.


Internship for Academic Credit Application Step-By-Step Guide

Preparing to Apply for Academic Credit for your Internship

During your internship search, it is important to understand what the requirements are for participating in an internship for academic credit. In Career Link , you will select ‘Internship Credit’ in the left menu. If this is the first time you have applied for credit, you will be taken to a Guidelines and Acknowledgments page which outlines the requirements for participating in an internship for academic credit. We ask that you carefully review those acknowledgements before agreeing and submitting.


Completing the Internship for Academic Credit Application

After submitting the Guidelines and Acknowledgments page, you can begin your Application for Credit by clicking ‘Add New Internship’.

You will be asked for information about the internship which may include:

  • Supervisor’s Contact Information
  • Date of the Internship
  • Compensation (if applicable)
  • Credit Information
  • Internship Duties
  • Learning Objectives

The application is individualized for each academic program. You can always save the application as a draft and come back to finish if you do not have all the information.

Once you have completed all the required fields, you will need to sign off and click the ‘Submit’ button.

After Submitting Your Application for Credit

After you click submit, the application will go to the C2 Hub, your internship supervisor, and then the faculty approver to review the submitted details including: supervisor information, internship description, and learning objectives. At any point during this process the application can be denied. If your application is denied you will receive a notification and you can go back and make edits to submit again for approval

After everyone has approved the application, you will be notified about how to register for the credit. The application can be reviewed in Career Link at any time throughout the semester.

After everyone has approved the application, you will be notified about how to register for the credit. The application can be reviewed in Career Link at any time throughout the semester.

Connect with the Classroom to Career Hub about Internships

Need Support with this Process?

Phone: (303) 615-1133